, (5Á9) Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 12.3 (10.9Á14.2) 11.6 (9.2Á12.6) 11.9 (8.6Á18.4) Conductivity (mS/cm) 70 (62Á97) 71.9 (46Á83) 146.4 (96Á182) Cl

, 95) Total iron (mg/l) 0.1 (0, 0Á120) 39.4 (3Á103) 42.2 (1Á147) Phenolic compounds

. Cadmium, 03 (ndÁ0.09) 0.05 (ndÁ0.34) NA a Copper (mg/l) 1.11 (ndÁ2.65) 1.19 (ndÁ6.84) NA a a Water sampled in Ferme Pond in 2005 presented metal concentration B 2 mg/L for copper and B 0.1 mg/L for cadmium, but such results were not recorded on a monthly basis

, Jaffal et al. 1043 (14Á2693) b,c Numbers of melanomacrophage centres (/mm 2 ) 1.6 (0.6Á3.5) a,b 3, Metal contamination and hepatic toxicological responses in brown trout A2Á4.9) b 1.9 (0.4Á3) a

, 8 (1Á4.3) a 35Á5) a,b 31Á5) a,b Vacuolization scores 1.7 (0Á4.3) a,b 0.5 (0Á3.1) a 2) a,b Fibrosis scores 2, Nuclear alteration scores 4.2 (3.6Á5) b 33Á5) b 2.7 (1Á5) b 1.5 (0Á4.5) a

, Immune cell infiltration scores 1.8 (0.1Á2.6) a 2.6 (1.5Á3.8) a 2.3 (1Á3.1) a 1.7 (0Á3.3) a 1.6 (0.1Á3) a 2.2 (1Á3.8) a Global scores 2.2 (1.2Á3.2) a 2.3 (1.7Á3.1) a 2.4 (1.5Á3.3) a 2.3 (1.5Á3.2) a 1.9 (1Á2.7) a 2.3 (1.4Á3.5) a

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